Heap Sort:
Before starting the heap sort we need to know the Tree Binary Data Structure very well.
Binary Tree Data Structure:
Binary Tree DS has one parent node and at least two child node (left and right).
We can classify Binary tree into three types,
- Full Binary Tree
- Complete Binary Tree
- Almost Binary Tree.
let see one by one now,
Rules applicable for Binary Tree:
- We can move towards next level only when filling the current node value.
- We can fill the right node value only when filling the left node value
Full Binary Tree:
Every Node should have 2 child node apart from leaf nodes.
Complete Binary Tree:
There is no restriction of child node(In FBT we should have 2 child node at leaf nodes). We may have one or two nodes at leaf nodes.
Almost Complete Binary Tree:
Always leaf node should have one child.
Properties of Binary Tree
- number of levels = 0 to n
- number of nodes = 2^k - 1
- number of levels -> k = log (n + 1)
- number of leaf nodes (n/2) - Upper bound
- number of non - leaf nodes (n/2) - Lower bound
Now we will see implementation of Heap sort,
Heap Sort Implementation:
Heap sort uses the CBT and array data structure ( To save the space)
There are two type of heap sort one is min heap and another one is max heap,
Min Heap:
Parent node value should always lesser than the child node values.
Max heap:
Parent node value should always greater than the child node values.
It used to find max or min values.